Sunday, December 29, 2019

Computer Systems Mac Os Essay - 905 Words

The next operating system used in a lot of computer systems is the Apple Macintosh OS. The Apple Macintosh OS can be found in Mac computers, MacBook Pros and Air. The first Mac OS called system 1 was released in 1984. After that apple then released system 2-6 between 1984 and 1988. System 5 brought forth MultiFinder a software that â€Å"could run several programs at once†( Apple then released system 7 in 1991. System 7 was a major upgrade in the Mac OS development and was also the longest running OS in apple history. The next Mac OS was the Mac OS X 08; the Mac OS 8 came with a redesigned GUI. â€Å"Mac OS 8 also saw the introduction of an updated version of HFS, HFS+, which fixed many of the limitations of the earlier system† ( Mac OS 9 was released in 1999; this was the last of the Mac OS. The new century came with the introduction of the Mac OS X, which replaced the Mac OS. The â€Å"OS X adds the Carbon libraries to allow older pro gramming paradigms from the System 7.x core to be run under OS X and gain many of the benefits of this modern OS core† ( The first version of Mac OS X 10 called Cheetah was released in 2001. After that numerous versions of the Mac OS X was release, most of them named after animals. The latest Mac OS X called Yosemite was released in 2014. After the Mac OS X 10.6 users could download the new OS via the apple website or store. Just like Windows, Mac OS has very interesting system architectural design. TheShow MoreRelatedMac Os X And Windows Operating System1338 Words   |  6 PagesThe advent of the Mac OS X and Windows Operating System, have revolutionized how we interact with computers. They have enormously increased our productivity in the work place, improved our efficiency, as well as accurately predicting the future of technology and the potential of innovation. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Boeing Supply Chain Management Essay - 1585 Words

4-3 Short Paper: The Boeing Company A supply chain is a series of integrated processes within and across a company that produce a product or service to meet the demands of a consumer (Krajewski, et. al., 2013). Every company has a specific supply chain design and this design is implemented to meet the company’s competitive priorities. Supply chain management refers to the coordination of the company’s processes with those of customers and suppliers to match the flow of services, materials, and information with customer demand. In today’s global market companies are choosing to outsource many of their processes in order to save time and money. While outsourcing and decentralizing many supply processes may seem to be more cost effective,†¦show more content†¦This resulted in suppliers who did not input accurate and timely information, in part due to cultural differences and lack of trust. Neither Tier 1 suppliers nor Boeing became aware of problems in a ti mely fashion which was time consuming and costly. The second set of problems with the 787 project arose from a lack of oversight and quality control (Denning, 2013). The Tier 1 suppliers were put in charge of coordinating Tier 2 and 3 suppliers however there were no funds or manpower set aside to assist these suppliers with issues or concerns. Tier 1 suppliers ran into issues surrounding time zone differences, language differences, and cultural differences. Many of the Tier 1 suppliers did not possess the necessary skills to manage Tier 2 suppliers nor the know-how to develop different sections of the aircraft. This resulted in significant delays and costly training sessions with the Tier 1 suppliers. Boeing did not anticipate the additional costs associated with these issues. The company ran into quality issues early as some of the parts did not fit together properly as a result of improper quality control and training (Hiltzik, 2011). With the past production of the aircraft 737 a nd 747, Boeing gave suppliers detailed blueprints of parts in order to assure proper specifications and quality. Instead of following this old model for the 787, Boeing gave suppliers less detailed specifications and required them to create theirShow MoreRelatedProduction Planning And Inventory Control1520 Words   |  7 PagesPlanning and Inventory Control Processes covers manufacturing, storage, and related areas. Specifically, the production planning controls the designing and management of the entire airplane manufacturing processes input material scheduling and acquisition, manufacturing, design, and material handling. 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To sustain change, the structures of the organization itself should be modified, including strategic plans, policies and procedures. Boeing, a global aircraft manufacturer that has been around since 1916, is a prime example of organizational change. Within the past several years Boeing has undergone widespread changes to help the company during the economic problemsRead MoreAnalysis Of Boeing s Supply Chain3108 Words   |  13 PagesThe Boeing Company An Analysis of Boeing’s Supply Chain Michael Mullen Executive MBA Program Spring 2015 Advanced International Monetary Economics Dr. Ravi S. Behara April 26, 2015 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Problem Statement 4 Supply Chain Analysis 4 Recommendations 8 Implementation 10 Conclusion 13 Reference List 14 Introduction In 1916, the Boeing Company (Boeing), was founded in Seattle Washington. 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Airbus has communicated to its suppliers to tag all traceable items with passive RFID transporters (Roberti M., 2015). Boeing is also using this technology to optimize maintenance activities with specific information regarding maintenance

Friday, December 13, 2019

Call Center Sample Sheet Free Essays

Call Center and Online Advertising Offer Sheet Needed: Seeking Experienced Centers for the following offers: Reverse Mortgage – $12 per call and PayChex (B2B) $18 per call. If you can do these offers let us know and we’ll set the offers up on our network. Service Majic: WE ARE LOOKING FOR CALLERS INTERESTED IN BEING MATCHED UP WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR. We will write a custom essay sample on Call Center Sample Sheet or any similar topic only for you Order Now Various home repair areas of interest. Let us know if you have experience in this vertical. The Scooter Store: Live call transfer, pay per call campaign. The leading provider of power chairs and scooters for people with limited mobility, with a strong tradition of customer service. Payout: $12 per lead, 2 minute min call (120 seconds). Live Campaigns ready to go: The Scooter Store: Live call transfer, pay per call campaign. The leading provider of power chairs and scooters for people with limited mobility, with a strong tradition of customer service. Payout: $12 per lead, 2 minute min call (120 seconds). RateChecker. com: Mortgage Refinance campaign. Exclusive Leads Only. Online Form: $15 per lead 24/7 operation, USA target, Refinance loan over $100,000. Good credit or better LTV less than 90% . Call Center (ftp voice files) or Web Traffic Leads Accepted. No Incentives No coregs Leads cannot be sold to other entities. Loan Modification Live Call Transfer Campaign: $15 per lead if call is longer than 1 min 30 seconds. Target: USA Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am to 9pm EST. Quicken Loans: Call transfer campaign. 24/7 operation, USA target. WE ARE LOOKING FOR CALLERS INTERESTED IN REFINANCE, HOME EQUITY OR HOME PURCHASE LOANS, WITH GOOD TO EXCELLENT CREDIT – MINIMUM CREDIT SCORE OF 620+. Payouts: Customer must be on the phone with Quicken Loans for at least 90 seconds. $11. 00 per call if duration 1 min 30 sec. Note: There is no IVR, you are doing a live transfer to Quicken Loans. Payments are monthly net 20. 100DayLoans Pay Per Call Campaign: Live call transfer campaign. It’s that easy! We search more banks, Financial Companies, and Payday Lenders for the highest loan amounts and the lowest interest rates available. Our automated system can search over 122 Credit Loan providers to lend you the funds you need. Payout: $5. 00 per call if connect_duration ; 90 sec. Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Arizona Time) Auto Insurance Quote: Fill out online form at StartAutoLoan. om: This car insurance quote campaign is pure lead gen. Call Center to make outbound call and get customer on the phone. Customer must be interested in getting free car insurance quotes from multiple companies that will compete for the business. Record calls for quality assurance and fill out the quick form online†¦. $4 per lead. Payments are Monthly, net 20. Auto Warranty Expired pay per call offer: Avoid Unne cessary Auto Costs! Is your manufacturers auto warranty about to expire or expired? Is Your Car Under 10 Years Old with Less than 100k Miles? CALL NOW to Get an Extended Auto Protection Plan! Payout: $10. 00 per call if in_region and during_hours and connect_duration ; 1 min 30 sec. Devry University: pay per call campaign: Get customer on the phone and give them the 800# to call. Customer must call the 800# themselves†¦. this is not a live transfer, customer must dial the 800#. Payout: $15 per lead where customer is on the phone with Devry for at least 2 min (120 seconds) or more. Payments are monthly net 20. Hours: Mon-Fri 😠   Ã‚  8:00 am to 9:00 pm| (all times Central)| CollegeandTuition. com Education Call Transfer: Campaign 1 (Feb 20 Launch date): EDU live call transfer campaign. Get paid $15-$20 per lead. Each student could be submitted up to 4 schools so you get paid each time their information is submitted to a school. Overall you should average 1. 5-1. 8 schools per lead. Call center to get customer on the phone and prequalify they have graduated high school. Payments are monthly net 30 Campaign 2: EDU live call transfer. Interested in Continuing Your Education to Further Your Career, Get a Promotion, or Maybe Even Change Your Profession? Get a Free Education Counseling Session to Quickly Help You Find the Best School for Your Studies and Financial Situation. All online and Campus based schools, very large portfolio of schools for leads. Payout: $7. 00 per call if in_region and during_hours and duration ; 45 sec Target: USA, Calling Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm, Sat:10:00 am-5:00 pm, (all times Eastern) Campaign 3: EDU live call transfer. If You’re A High School Graduate and are Looking for a Better Paying Job, Getting Your College Degree will Help Increase Your Earning Potential. Our inbound transfers are focused on the following degrees and programs: business, criminal justice, IT, health administration (not Nursing), and medical billing. Online and Campus. Target: USA Payout: $9. 00 per call if connect_duration 1 min. Hours: Mon-Fri : 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Sat : 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (all times Mountain) Lawsuit Cash Advance Campaign: People who are involved in a lawsuit but have not settled lawsuit. Great for subprime data. Get 5% of cash advance loan amount. Most loans are $2,000 to $5,000 and get funded within 72 hours. Pai d weekly. Direct TV campaign: Outbound call then Live Call transfer to Direct TV, 24/7 operation. Base: $1. 00 per call if in_region and pressed[1] and connect_duration 3 min Bonus: $6. 00 per call if connect_duration 15 min Bonus: $7. 00 per call if connect_duration 20 min DIRECTV packages start at $29. 99/month for 12 months and a Free Whole Home Upgrade with a two year agreement. Free HD (requires choice Xtra package or above and auto bill pay. ) DIRECTV delivers satellite-based television and broadband services to over 18 million US customers in homes and businesses. With our electronic program guide, digital video recorder (DVR) services, interactive features, HD programming and quality customer service, DIRECTV continues to offer consumers a superior alternative to cable and a superior offering for affiliate partners. DIRECTV subscribers enjoy access to over 285 channels of 100% digital picture and sound, exclusive programming and the most comprehensive collection of sports programming available anywhere, including NFL SUNDAY TICKETâ„ ¢ To-Go and MLB EXTRA INNINGS ®. Payments are monthly net 20. DISH Network Campaign: Live call transfers. $7 per call if over 2 minutes. Take advantage of the best value in entertainment with DISH Network from DISH 2 U! Reach your customer base with all the latest promotions, including: FREE Movie Channels FREE Multi-Sport Pack Featuring Red Zone Blockbuster Movies Included FREE HD for Life FREE DVR FREE Installation up to 6 Rooms Switch to DISH Network and Save Over $800! With packages starting as low as $19. 99/mo and next day installs available, there is something for everyone from DISH Network! Payments are monthly net 20. www. iCheckLoan. com: payday loan outbound campaign, rev-share 70% to the call center. Get customer on the phone, give customer a pin number and have the customer go to iCheckLoan. com to complete the loan application. Payments are weekly net 7. www. 2500CreditLine. com: Get paid $10 per sign up. No credit checks and No turndowns. Payments are weekly net 7. Customer get a $2,500 shopping line of credit and a Dollar for Dollar Rewards Prepaid MasterCard. If customer put $100 on their MasterCard, they will get another $100 put on the card = $200!!! The instant credit line costs the customer $99. 95 one-time sign up fee. Credit line has 0% interest, no APR, no finance charges or late fees. Debt Settlement Campaign: No Up Front Fees to Customers. Inbound campaign†¦yes inbound campaign. Experienced Debt Settlement call centers only. Take our inbound live calls where customer is on phone and wants more info on Debt Settlement services. Get customer to eSign contract. $100 payout per customer who’s first payment clears. Commissions Paid Weekly. Psychic Live Reading Campaign: $20 per sign up. Target is all English and Spanish speaking countries. Call center get customer on the phone and fill out form online. Customer then must check their email to confirm registration and minimum payment of $27. 99 to join. Payments are monthly net 30. Credit Repair: Call Transfer Campaign: customers have $10,000 or less in Debt, not considering Bankruptcy, typically have been declined for some type of loan recently. Payments are Monthly. Mon-Fri : 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Sat : 7:00 am to 2:00 pm (all times Mountain) Base: $3. 00 per call if duration = 10 min and during_hours and in_region Bonus: $6. 00 per call if duration 20 min and during_hours Bonus: $50. 00 per call if = â€Å"Funded Sale† Payments are monthly net 20 TheLawyerDirectory. com – Free Legal Case Review – $10 per lead for Bankruptcy, Divorce, DUI/DWI, Criminal Defense. $20 per lead for Personal Injury. Fill out forms online. Payments are monthly, net 20. The Car Donation Pay Per Call Affiliate Program: Base: $10. 0 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 2 min and pressed[1] Bonus: $10. 00 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 4 min and pressed[1] Bonus: $10. 00 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 6 min and pressed[1] Call Transfer Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (all times Eastern) Target Regions: All US A car donation is one of the most ef fective ways to get the most value out of your old or disused vehicles. At Car Donations Charity we can help you maximize your tax deduction and make sure your car does the most good. The process is simple and convenient, and we will help you through every step of the process, from the pickup to the delivery of the tax deductible receipt. It’s never been easier to donate your car to a charitable organization. Payments are monthly net 20 Health Insurance Pay Per Call Campaign: Outbound call then live transfer. Let us find you the right insurance plan. We are able to find the best rates from Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Humana,   Aetna and other insurance providers. Payout: Base: $3. 00 per call if during_hours and in_region and connect_duration 1 min 30 sec, Bonus: $15. 0 per call if connect_duration 5 min 30 sec. Target Regions: California, Colorado, Nevada Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm pst. California Home Insurance Pay per call: Let us find you the right home insurance plan. We are able to find the best rates from Mercury, Progressive, Safeco, Travelers, and other insurance providers. We are taking calls from California residents looking for homeo wner’s insurance. Payout: $10. 00 per call if connect_duration ; 2 min and during_hours Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (all times Pacific) Target Regions: California Canda Life Insurance PayPer call: Call now to receive your free, no obligation, no medical exam life insurance quote! LSM Insurance is Canada’s leading provider of no medical life insurance. We have been in business over 18 years and work with the largest insurance carriers in Canada including Manulife Financial, Canada Life, RBC Insurance and BMO Insurance. Payout: $5. 00 per call if in_region and during_hours and connect_duration ; 1 min and pressed [ 1] Target Region: Canada Debt Collection Harassment Phone Verified Leads: Call center will fill out form online and submit leads during hours of operation listed. Payout: $5 per lead USA Residents Offers Coming Soon RateChecker. com: Complete Free Quote Portal offering all types of loans, insurance, and other types of financial information. Pure Lead Gen campaigns for online, offline and call centers. DiabeticCareTaker. com – Diabetic Medicare Lead Gen Campaign: Auto Warranty: Lead gen live call transfer. Call center makes outbound calls to potential customers who want to extend their auto warranty that is expiring or will expire soon. Payments are twice a month. Home Security Campaign – Lead gen live call transfer campaign where people are interested in getting a Free home security system installed. Customer only pays monthly fee, the equipment is free. Payments are once a month. Don’t see something you already have data for Please let me know 1. What campaigns you are interested in 2. I have the scripts and guidelines to assist with each program. 3. Send your company info as well for an Insertion order. Thank you, Scott Thompson, CEO Astoria Company, LLC. Admin@AstoriaCompany. com Skype: affiliatescott How to cite Call Center Sample Sheet, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Plan to Promote Creative

Question: Develop a plan to promote creative thinking in your work organisation with a view to enhancing innovation. You will need to include an in-depth literature review critically evaluating alternative contemporary perspectives in order to draw meaningful conclusions and develop feasible recommendations to the organisation. Answer: Introduction It is an undisputed fact that leaders in organizations need to cope with and give a response to the complex matters in the workplace. In some cases, these problems and issues can be solved by adopting a standard set of actions or formula which entails thoroughly examining the drivers and circumstances, retracing something that had been done earlier, or applying logic to formulate the next step (Somech and Drach-Zahavy, 2013 p.685). Woodman, Sawyer, and Griffin (1993) defined organizational creativity as the formulation of valuable and worthwhile new process, procedure, idea, service, or product by people working in a complex social system (Woodman, Sawyer, and Griffin 1993 p. 293). This paper aims at formulating a plan to promote workplace creative thinking so as to enhance innovation. The plan will incorporate theories and literature from various sources including the works of Amabile, Woodman, and Ekvall. Analysis The 21st century has made it necessary for organizations to deal with the ever-increasing levels of complexity. Notably, I think that leaders are now beginning to acknowledge the fact that a cookie cutter perspective is outdated and cannot solely drive the organization forward. I have studied multiple sources which give the general opinion that leaders are currently accepting that organizational problem solving will need more than just logic and analysis (Schneider and Spieth, 2013 p.1340001). Perhaps, I am of the opinion creativity might come in handy to create innovative solutions. In brief, to be creative, an individual will have to show originality and stay away from the status quo. It is important to note that when the whole team is granted creative freedom, a myriad of host benefits follow. Some of these benefits include enhanced intra and inter-team collaborations, ease in attracting and keeping the best talent and better profits and productivity (Prajogo, 2016 p.242). Keeping this in mind, it is essential to develop a plan tailored to fostering creative thinking in the workplace. Creating a plan will entail looking at the works of multiple reliable works. Goran Ekvall studied how different working conditions in various organizations impacted participation. In this regard, he identified the 9 spheres that can promote creativity in the workplace. These spheres include involvement and challenge, freedom, trust, idea time, humor, conflict, idea support, debate, and risk taking (Ekvall, G., 1996 p.106). All the aforementioned spheres are linked closely (and positively) to creativity and innovation in the workplace except conflict. Workplaces that have been noted to possess a high degree of conflict will find it difficult to sustain creativity and innovation. Therefore, Ekvalls work proposes that organizations should strive to clinch a high score on the 8 dimensions and a low one on the conflict dimension. By doing so, enhanced creativity would be realized. Ekvall further studies the impact of organizational climate on the productivity of the organization. Climate has a significant impact on the psychological as well as the organizational processes including handling of conflicts, problem solving, communication, and decision making. Organizational climate will, therefore, impact the productivity and efficiency of the business and also an impact on the innovation ability, job satisfaction, and the general wellbeing of the employees. In essence, the climate affects the individual organization member as a whole. In brief, to promote creativity and innovation, the organizations culture needs to be adjusted accordingly. Amabile (1997) notes that enhancement of creativity can only be realized if the entire team in the organization is ready to offer support. Leaders in the organization should, hence, enact the right systems and structures which stress on creativity as the most important aspect of the organization. She further suggests that organizations should support creativity by supporting it. Moreover, leaders should minimize gossips, politicking, and infighting as these have been noted to damage creativity and innovation. Amabile submits that such negativity can cause extreme consequences for organizational creativity. Amabile also gives a framework of small team creativity composed of 3 elements including individual motivation, creative thinking, and expertise (Amabile, T.M., 1997 p.39). A manager can impact all the three elements, but the most important element is motivation which entails giving challenges, encouragements, support, and availing resources. Hence, there are various steps a company can take to move from what is described as a traditional and less innovate setting to one that holds great value in creativity. I have described these approaches in the sections below. The first method I have identified is to promote creative thinking. Indeed, it is essential for the modern companies to encourage and promote the creativity of each and every worker. According to CIC, organizations can achieve this by allowing workers to take risks, make mistakes, be curious, question assumptions, seek formotivation via discussion and research, set aside time to determine inspirational sources, and explore various experiments and concepts to create excellent approaches and products (Qian, Cao and Takeuchi, 2013 p.115). Second, I fully agree that the organization should provide a fun and collaborative environment. In brief, this entails fostering an environment that is more inclined to face-to-face relationships so as to enhance collaboration. Additionally, the organization should encourage diversity. Looking at an Ernst Young Global Insight which was given recently, there is the great need for companies to shift from a consensus approach to doing things and promote diversity amongst workers. In the presence of diversity, creativity, and team-based problem-solving are achieved, which ultimately translates to general performance improvement. EY also references two types of research conducted by Ford Germany and Henley Management College, all of which agree that the greater the level of heterogeneity, the more creativity is observed, translating in an improved thought process. On the same note, Forbes emphasizes the need for employee diversity in a Forbes Insights report that focuses on crucial findings from a study of executives who valued inclusion and diversity in their organizations. Director of global diversity and inclusion at Intel notes that the productivity of the company has tremendously improved as a result of div ersity (Csikszentmihalyi and Sawyer, 2014 p.70). Therefore, it is true to conclude that diversity is a key innovation driver and also essential for global success. At this point, it is perhaps worth acknowledging that creativity in the office environment is of utmost importance. Notably, the cubicle is seemingly outdated and no employee would want to sit all day in a corner, separated from the entire office. Hence, if an organization needs to promote a creative culture, the office environment should mirror a new approach. The modern organizations which are regarded as more innovative and progressive have developed outstanding office spaces that are tailored to unite employees. Such designs are often composed of modern furniture, open spaces, activity centers, comfortable seating zones, bright colors, and so forth. These spaces ensure or give ample room for employees to chat, air their opinions and ideas, bond, and collaborate. Some of the outstanding office environments, as showcased by Forbes include Google, Microsoft, Epic, Infosys, and Box. Taking a look at Google office environment, for instance, employees can slide from one office floor to the other. At Microsoft offices, there are comfortable seating zones and big tablets for exploration and discussions. Conclusions As seen in this report, the time for transforming the working environment into a more innovative one has come. These new transformations should be aimed at redefining the functioning of organizations. This report not only outlines a clear plan for promoting creativity to achieve innovation but also briefly outlines the benefits that come along with creativity which include enhanced intra and inter-team collaborations, ease in attracting and keeping the best talent and better profits and productivity. For this reasons, promotion of creativity should be one of the top agendas in any organization. This report notes that to achieve creativity, the organization should start by promoting a culture of creativity. A workplace with a creative culture is associated with tremendous energy that is seemingly absent in the traditional office environment. In short, the working space is synonymous with excitement, employees can be seen to be actively thinking and sharing their thoughts, chatting, an d developing worthwhile concepts that aim at increasing the organization's productivity. The organization can achieve this by encouraging thoughts that exhibit creativity, offering a fun and collaborative working space, offering freedom coupled with the necessary boundaries, and encouraging diversity. Finally, as seen in big and innovate corporations such as Google and Microsoft, the time has come where organizations need to shift from outdated cubicles to a modern office landscape that reflects creativity and innovation. Recommendations Taking all the evidence provided in the analysis section into consideration, there is the need for organizations to foster and sustain creativity and innovation. The suggestions proposed by Ekvall and Amabile should serve as reference points for organizations. Ekvall proposes that organizations should strive to clinch a high score on the 8 dimensions and a low one on the conflict dimension. By doing so, enhanced creativity would be realized. The climate at the organization also plays a huge role in creativity as it impacts the productivity and efficiency of the business and also an impact on the innovation ability, job satisfaction, and the general wellbeing of the employees. Amabile insists that support from the entire team is important if creativity is to be realized. In this regard, leaders in the organization should be willing to enact the right systems and structures which stress on creativity as the most important aspect of the organization. Also, the organization needs to fost er diversity as multiple studies have been presented to argue the case that diversity promotes creativity. Such studies include those conducted by EY Insight, Ford Germany, and Henley Management College. 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