Friday, February 28, 2020

Criminal justice issues Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal justice issues - Annotated Bibliography Example Criminologists believe that this is a strong predictor of criminal outcomes in youth. Early educational experiences, the negative labeling influence by teachers and peers in school, has been sited as having direct connections to later criminal behavior. Some studies have identified a peer effect on delinquency, where the peer group influences individual participation in delinquent behavior, which influences the later onset of delinquency. While doing poorly in school may present other factors, certainly the reaction from teachers and peers and the discouragement or encouragement by those in power has a direct impact on the way the student comprehends him or herself. This has been found to have not only current societal but far reaching life consequences as well. On the other hand, positive labeling at an early age and continued positive support by peers and caregivers and other authority figures has an enormous influence in the further prevention of violence and other criminally associated behavior. . Succinctly put, labeling theory looks at differing labeling sources and specific relationships over time and makes an attempt to predict the onset of deviant behavior in juveniles. Juveniles are routinely bombarded with different prompts and signals as to how they are being perceived by others. Through the act of role taking and other defining situations Adams, Robertson, Gray-Ray & Ray believe that juveniles are able to â€Å"accurately interpret the meanings of symbols and gestures used to project labels upon them† (2003, p. 172). This allows a projection of self into the role of an authority figure or significant other and allows the youth to make a self-appraisal or assessment through the eyes of another. The all too common response, â€Å"I wonder what they are thinking about me,† is a familiar refrain to us all. In some sense the self then becomes an object

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Economy analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economy analysis - Assignment Example People find it more convenient to order books from online vendors than to go out to bookstores to look for books the way they did before the digital revolution. The second point is that in addition to Amazon, there are now many avenues through which people access eBooks, hence the loss of the need to visit libraries. The final point he makes is that copyright laws are lagging behind, since they were developed in an era where the current potential for digitization did not exist. It is important to have a balance between access to published material bearing the cost of production in mind, and to retain the â€Å"incentive to create† for writers (Posner). There are two key strengths in Posner’s article. The article communicates very clearly the relationship between the demise of the bookstores and libraries in relation to the emergence and development of the digital revolution. The issues in it focus on the purchasing behavior of individuals and how the internet is affecting consumer behavior. The second strength of the article is that it identifies the legal problems that existing copyright laws have which will only make the process more difficult to manage. The article argues that there is need for action to update existing laws to make it easier for creators of literature to enjoy more protection because of the increasing cost of policing the internet to prevent online piracy. The key weakness of the article is that it does not offer any radical solution, but struggles to find a way around the existing problems based on the current laws. It does not pay attention to the fact that it is now almost impossible to stop online piracy by using legal means only. The internet is universal, and it is almost impossible to start developing laws which every country will accept. This is because different countries derive different benefits from the internet hence the laws may impede